By this time, national attention had turned to the connection between participation in community service and academic achievement.
Second, he relied on the congressional debate during passage of the Act, which clearly indicated that there was no distinction between active and passive participation.
Rather, he asserts, hundreds of studies show a strong link between participation in sports and a lower dropout rate.
Project work of MitOst is aimed at understanding between nations and participation in civil society.
Ultimately, they could help change the skewed political balance between population and participation that was evident in the California primary vote.
There is a delicate balance required between encouraging participation and singling out students.
The crucial dividing line therefore is between this general advice and participation in management.
Maybe the way crime is treated shows why it may not be necessary to show a precise correlation between cultural participation and economic activity.
There was a strong association between participation in sports and the type of personality that tends to be resistant to drug and alcohol addiction.
A journalist "must not cross over the line" between objectivity and participation, he said.