I felt the blade move between my cheek and the gag, cutting the gag free.
I could feel the hood, hot and damp, soaked with tears, between her cheek and my leg.
Then you hold the gum in your mouth between your cheek and gums.
There was something sticky between my cheek and the cold, gritty surface I was lying on.
He then belied his own words by inserting the pinch between his cheek and gum.
She cradled the receiver between her cheek and shoulder, leaving her hands free to continue the final task of a very long day.
His lips descended into the hollow between her cheek and her shoulder.
There was something between her cheek and his stomach.
The capsule he tucked into his mouth between his cheek and gum.
Putting her face beside his, she could feel the warmth of a tear between her cheek and his.