The evolution of tank warfare has seen a see-saw battle between offense and defense.
He stood, looking down at her, balanced between offense and consternation.
The general approach is to take the team's win shares (i.e., 3 times its number of wins), then divide them between offense and defense.
Gameplay focuses heavily on creating a balance between offense, defense, and the nation's economy based in the city.
Cox is the leader of the team, going beyond the natural division between offense and defense.
What would it do to the game's delicate balance between offense and defense?
"The difference between offense and defense is purely a matter of intent," the authors note.
Teams would also choose outfielders with better arms, setting up even more exciting confrontations between offense and defense.
His hope, he said, was that America would use "each new wave of technology to close the gap between offense and defense."
This class is balanced between offense and defense, and uses holy magic as support.