The approach from the north-west to the main gate is marked by two stone lions on pedestals, standing at the entrance to an avenue between clipped oaks.
Jon wove a path between rocks and puddles, past great oaks, grey-green sentinels, and black-barked ironwoods.
Should they cross paths again, between Winged Foot's elms and oaks, the result could be electric.
Although possible, it is rare for oak wilt to jump between oaks of different species via root grafting - different species do not graft often, and so contaminate each other less frequently.
Dirt paths weave between tall oaks, groves of beech trees and rows of pines.
Charlie weaved his way in between close-set oaks and tangles of thorn that were as vicious as rolls of barbed wire.
Hybrids between Quercus aliena and several other oaks in Quercus sect.
Yaupons filled space between live oaks that were a hundred years old.
Today the town is known for its stately homes nestled between centuries-old live oaks and two championship golf courses.
Down a low slope, down a broad lane between massive oaks, grass that was soft and cool 148 Ru Emerson beneath her toes.