I think our knowledge of the English language is also an advantage because it is easier to communicate between locals and foreigners.
Retaliation for this incident led to armed clashes between locals and students.
This dialect is primarily spoken by youth and in informal discourse between locals.
The racing, always a mix between national stars and cheap locals, has had more of the latter than ever before.
This model was developed from a study of 11 villages in Nottinghamshire, where immigration had created a division between newcomers and locals.
The system was designed to record meetings between locals and network staff.
There was little conflict between the students and locals despite their vastly differing lifestyles.
Studiesshow the comparison of communication accommodation in foreign countries between tourists and locals.
To note this tensions are not in anyway related to religion, there is no fighting between Muslims and locals but with illegal immigrants.
There are the awkward moments, though, between tourists and locals.