Now it's really quite smooth and things like list perform so quickly it's hard to tell between Flex lists and native lists.
The essential difference between atoms and lists was that atoms were immutable and unique.
On the positive side, it renders predicates such as Prolog's (which maps between lists and clauses) unnecessary, as a clause is a list.
At constituency level, seats were divided between open lists using the largest remainder method with Droop quota.
The Venn function lets the user quickly identify the genes in common between lists generated from different measurements or using different filtering criteria.
Thereafter seats for one party or bloc were distributed between different lists of that political force using the same formula.
Competition between lists is usually more of a feature of campaign strategies than for effective candidate preferences, and does not bear prominent in elections.
In officially bilingual Brussels, electors can choose between lists of this electoral college or those of the Dutch-speaking electoral college.
Python makes a distinction between lists and tuples.
Know the difference between lists and arrays.