Research has shown a connection between high-salt intake and an increase in blood pressure in certain people who are considered "salt sensitive."
But looking only at American women, a link between fat intake and the risk of breast cancer has been hard to establish.
Studies within populations have repeatedly failed to find a relationship between fat intake and cancer incidence.
The panel ignores options that could restore the balance between intake and outflow.
There was no overall association between intake of plant protein and subsequent changes in weight.
They were then followed for an average of 10 years to see if any relationships existed between dietary intake and causes of death.
And as the relationship between fat intake and cholesterol levels in the blood serum of any particular individual is very variable, why should we even try?
A larger Swedish study on 45,306 men also found no link between dietary intake of acrylamide and risk for colorectal cancer.
They said they found a significant correlation between daily alcohol and total caloric intake in both sexes.
A pooled analysis of results from seven cohort studies found no evidence for an association between total dietary fat intake and breast cancer risk.