The interactions between infant and mother are so deep and intense that they form the focus of the infant's structure of drives.
One of the most important types of memory is that which stores information contributing to the maternal bond between infant and mother.
Memory is critical for the recognition process that takes place between the mother and infant through breastfeeding.
These books explored the relationship between infant and father.
Bowlby departed from psychoanalytical theory which saw the gratification of sensory needs as the basis for the relationship between infant and mother.
The bond between mother and infant is just as important to the mother as it is to the infant.
For example, colic is common in technologically-developed western countries, and may be the result of the decreased proximity between caregiver and infant.
Dyadic joint attention involves mutual gaze between the parent and infant.
The core of his analysis is that human minds are the outcome of a successful series of interactions between infant and caregiver(s).
Some species of mammals show selective maternal bond between mother and infant.