Reporters do not interrupt conversations between Massa and editors.
Each blog we create begins as a conversation between editors and designers.
The comment, about nudity in an available photograph, was intended as a communication between editors and should not have been reproduced.
XRay's stated goal was to be a participatory media project, breaking down barriers between writers, readers and editors.
The Free Press, which described itself as an independent student newspaper, was formed after a split between several potential editors of the Tower.
Deena Drewis explores the tenuous relationship between writers and editors.
The website has hosted an internet forum since 1996 that serves as a link between editors and readers of the magazine.
Keeping detailed notes between editors and politicians would "damage relationships", he adds.
The statement grew out of discussions on the Internet between several editors about disagreements they had had with administrators over editorial content.
However, basic level geometry can be moved between editors using a geometry export feature called "multibrush".