The variations alternate between full orchestra and changing configurations drawn from the larger body.
Because the Darwinists concentrate on relations between genetically transmitted dispositions and specific cultural configurations, they often describe their work as "biocultural critique."
By contrast, the Lockheed Martin X-35 prototypes were capable of transitioning between their STOVL and supersonic configurations in mid-flight.
The Rosetta algorithm handles the huge energy landscape it needs to scan by taking big leaps between different configurations, then attempting to minimize the energy by making smaller tweaks.
In many these spin states vary between high-spin and low-spin configurations.
Tom's Hardware found little significant difference between single-channel and dual-channel configurations in synthetic and gaming benchmarks (using a "modern (2007)" system setup).
A typical server might hold ten or more unique installation configurations (perhaps with different drivers or software suites) but perhaps only 20% of the data may be unique between configurations.
The telecommunications industry differentiates between several distinct configurations.
Physics understanding of these active control techniques will be directly applicable between configurations.
A widely studied class are photochromic compounds which are able to switch between electronic configurations when irradiated by light of a specific wavelength.