Where, he asked at a hearing in June, is the line between constitutionally protected political activity and criminal conduct?
He asks that we distinguish between harmful and merely divergent conduct.
What's remarkable is the tenuous link between conduct and its consequences.
The distinction between sexual preference and conduct is vital.
In that regard, many of us - even some scandalmongers - draw a line between private life and public conduct.
A causal relationship between conduct and result is demonstrated if the act would not have happened without direct participation of the offender.
With other groups, such as blacks or women, there is no connection between particular conduct and the definition of the group.
The majority of us can distinguish between free speech and hateful conduct.
But she appeared to leave the door open for the states to draw analogies between Microsoft's past and current conduct.
"I am pleased that the linkage between private conduct and public service is finally going to be examined in Washington," he said.