He has kept a hand in by pressing for a debate between Gore and Bush on his program.
"There is a real difference between Gore and the Republican ticket."
Like every marriage, the private relationship between Clinton and Gore is more complicated than the public one.
"It may be the greatest obstacle between Gore and the Presidency."
But the biggest contrast between Gore and Bradley isn't a matter of style, standing, or policies.
Many pundits agree that there are still few substantive differences between Bradley and Gore.
The time would come when the margin between Bush and Gore dipped briefly to just 154 votes.
The knew the election would be close and differences between Nader and Gore were almost negligible.
The only difference between Gore and Bush on the environment is which special interest group is feeding them their info and money.
After its construction began in the early 1870s, a railway line between Invercargill and Gore was opened on 30 August 1875.