Some charities happily exploit the confusion, trading on the names of better-known rivals.
The answer, according to our experts, is a resounding "yes," which is how this below-the-radar plan grabbed highest honors from its better-known rivals.
Carter also took advantage of the record number of state primaries and caucuses in 1976 to eliminate his better-known rivals one-by-one.
He will get to debate his better-known rivals because he is abiding by the city's campaign finance laws.
Away from the crowds that throng better-known rivals, Montepulciano is a delight to explore.
In the 21st century, the company has experienced some difficulty in competing with larger, better-known rivals and discount retailers.
He beat his better-known rival to the finish by applying lessons learned while churning out a stream of well-regarded, low-budget films for British television.
And it had long been in the shadow of its bigger and better-known rival, Georgetown University Law School.
Yet an hour or two away are many better-known rivals, including Universal Studios and the granddaddy of the industry, Disneyland.
But this edge is expected to vanish quickly as his better-known rivals devote themselves full-time to raising money.