Its goal is to improve construction practices and standards to better withstand extreme weather conditions.
It was more flexible, so could better withstand frequent earthquakes.
The tank also helps researchers come up with ways that shorelines can better withstand storms.
But only a modest amount seems to be done to help the country better withstand the next quake.
"We need to learn how to withstand the pressure better in the second half," Mathis said.
The chassis is steel, not reinforced plastic, which in theory can better withstand the forces of boards being pushed and pulled.
The borough also required the company to use certain construction materials to better withstand the high winds and salt water at the shore.
But he added that the arrival of the new M-7 electric cars would enable the railroad to better withstand future winters.
Many buttons on women's shirts are larger and can better withstand dry-cleaning.
Because the company has less debt than rivals do, he said, it can better withstand a long industry downturn.