"We are testing a lot of products around video advertising at the moment - which are doing well at better targeting," she said.
Such data is normally used by developers to identify trends in app use, and is often shared with ad networks to allow better targeting of ads.
It had, indeed, reversed course and was pursuing the platoon, dropping lower for better targeting.
That, Mr. Snare said, is a result of "better targeting" of companies that are repeat offenders rather because there have been more safety incidents.
However, several different methods can be used for a particular program resulting in better targeting:
New colored swatches at the top of this panel allow for better targeting of specific hues, and this new UI is generally a pleasure to use.
Partnership chairman James E. Burke argued before a Senate subcommittee for better targeting of funds for media purchases.
CTV News - Treatment allows better targeting of tumours.
It suggested designing special schemes for the vulnerable sections of Indian society through better targeting and social engineering.
Another crucial point is the need for better targeting of aid to the people in need.