Should not a better fuel eliminate burning altogether?
This gave better fuel economy, lower wind noise, and a greater level of high-speed stability.
It won't be a matter of courage or skill, it will just be better fuel.
This position is to help the engine design team to create better fuel efficient cars.
Lately he has also reluctantly come to see tourism as better fuel for Goa's economy than the rush to build private houses.
Overall, the new body design gave better fuel economy and high-speed stability (one of the known issues from the first generation Z-car).
But this presupposes that better fuel is available throughout the market.
That is the upper limit value, after all, and there is nothing to stop people providing better fuels.
Others say that ethanol from corn, as a fuel available now, and cellulosic ethanol in the future, are both much better fuels for the environment.
If you're smart enough," he said, "you can make a better fuel.