To better comprehend the effects of the microwave field B it is easier to move to the rotating frame.
Hechter began talking to himself, as if by rehearsing his thoughts out loud he might better comprehend them.
As part of the move towards the paperless office, BWA is a method allowing businesses to better comprehend their current needs and to establish future goals.
They hope that by understanding the mechanisms of retinoic acid, they will better comprehend why certain cells go awry, proliferating into tumors, for example, or simply shutting down and dying.
I thought I'd try another language to see if the creature might better comprehend my meaning: "You like Joshua, don't you?
He who has known that of Sicily can better comprehend the words of Sophocles: "Oh holy light!
You will better comprehend how safe we are when you've seen the research dome.
You can better comprehend us, just as a child, grown to adulthood, can better understand the nature and thinking of his parents.
Systems engineering encourages the use of tools and methods to better comprehend and manage complexity in systems.
You will better comprehend what I am going to say to you now than what I have just said to you.