Market segmentation allows for a better allocation of a firm's finite resources.
In the short run, better allocation of resources and more efficient water conservation technology may keep demand for water in some countries under control.
"Real Time Rome might also help with the better allocation of transport resources."
The low income states received better allocations during all the four Plan periods, as there is a negative correlation.
A national ID database might lead to better allocation of resources, and quicker responses to emerging needs.
How do we decide which ones seem to be the better allocations, and which ones the more laughable, or even dangerous?
This is in fact beneficial to the economy since it results in a better allocation of resources.
"There is greater awareness of shareholder value, better allocation of resources."
The main points of focus in the budget for 2000 were the promotion of activity based management and better allocation of human resources.
This could be done through better allocation of direct payments, a different type of market regulation, and prioritising sustainable development.