Here he settled in 1773, and within a year was made ab bet din (ecclesiastical assessor).
In his forty-fourth year he became associated with his father as "ab bet din," and with him delivered many joint decisions.
There were various obstacles to the sanctification of the months, as when time was lacking for the ceremony, or when there were no witnesses present before the bet din.
In the first case the following day became the new moon; in the second case the bet din alone performed the sanctification.
As members of this bet din, Lilienthal named Wise and two others, besides himself.
With her parents' support, Tintori was converted by a bet din - a legal court of three rabbis - at an Orthodox mikveh at the age of 24.
Baba was a member of the bet din and some sources state that he always saw that justice was done, particularly to women (Git.
Born in Fez, Morocco, he served on the bet din and studied at the Yeshivot of his father, Vidal ha-Zarefati and Joseph Almosnino.
But she emphasized, "If this bet din succeeds, as I hope it will, then it will be Halacha responding to a contemporary need."
A few years afterward a violent dispute arose with regard to the titles of the members of the bet din and as to the relation of the members to one another.