In the 60's, he began one of his best-known series, "Builders."
Possibly the best-known series of cameos was by the director Alfred Hitchcock, who made very brief appearances in most of his films.
The largest (both in terms of scale and quantity) and best-known topographic series is the 7.5-minute or 1:24,000 quadrangle.
Perhaps Baxter's best-known series of sketches is Parliamo Glasgow.
His best-known series consists of 19 verbo-visual works in watercolour, ink and tempera called 3C i tričarije (a play on words that is difficult to translate).
One of the best-known series was developed in Wyoming and is called the Cheyenne series.
This struggling father is a long way from Jack Bauer, the tough terrorism fighter of Mr. Sutherland's best-known series, "24."
Specialists in entertainment and celebrity programming, the company's best-known series include Whatever Happened To?
He produced his best-known series of photographs during the early 1960's when on assignment in Nagasaki to document the aftermath of the atomic bombing.