He said: "That was one of my best wins ever.
"This was one of the best wins we've had as a team," Carroll said.
"This is one of the best wins we've had all year."
This was regarded as one of his best wins.
Manager Allardyce described the victory as "one of the best wins of my entire managerial career".
"But I'm very happy to be in the semis, and you know, it's one of the best wins of my life."
Under these circumstances I would have to say this is one of the best wins we've had in a long time.
The team deemed to have created the best ad-campaign wins.
This bests the franchise's previous best of 70 wins in 2004.
"That's one of the best wins we've had in a long time."
The semi-finals resulted in a career best win for Arron with a win over the tournament favourite and former Commonwealth champion Bradley Pryce.
On March 28, 2008, Bundrage would rebound with a career best win.
He had no idea what the proper protocol might be, or what might best win Lady Sunlight's favor; he was simply following Geste's lead.
The schools best winning percentage (23-7/.767) came when it was an NCAA Division I Independent in 1983.
Candidates can best win elections and can most effectively govern by developing attractive answers to our most pressing problems and dueling with the solutions their adversaries present.
"I like winning best," he says.
The production won best play' for off-off-Broadway.
So you'd best win it now, eh?
You play however you feel you can best win.
She improved her 100 m best to 11.31 seconds then won both sprints at the Barrientos Memorial.