This involved consulting a few of the band's friends as to what they thought the best release would be.
Given the choice, they chose "Start" as the best single release and the decision was made then to release it.
The album received favorable reviews and was considered to be their best release.
Many Petra fans have long considered this to be their best release from the 1980s.
It may not be the best release of the year, but it's really, really good.
The album is considered to be the band's best release by many fans and a classic in the black metal scene.
"The good part is, it leaves the days free for the paintings, which're really the best release," she adds.
It was rated as the best release of 2006 by popmatters.
Bringing you seriously good music including the best new releases.
This is one of the best releases I have ever heard, independent or not.