"That's the best qualification for a safe driver," Buddy said.
He had the best qualification to pull it off- he seemed slow, dopey, and greedy, but wasn't any of those.
Media reports indicated acrimonious debate within the Noongar community about who had the best cultural qualifications to take possession of the head.
His best qualification, however, may be his appearance, he explained.
Paradoxically, his best qualification for the job is his international experience.
I on the other hand left school in 1978 with the best qualifications my school had ever obtained.
"You two still have the best qualifications for the jobs to be done, but if you decline, I will accept nominations from the floor."
This means that the owner chooses the contractor with the best price and the best qualifications.
If there are several applicants for a volunteer assignment, must the applicant who seems to have the best qualifications on paper be chosen?
"If real-world experience is the best qualification for the Supreme Court, then presidents can appoint anyone they want," he said.