He may well be, for example, the best American politician at balancing a stick on his nose.
She was our best politician once-without her, we might never have gotten away from Sol system.
The best politicians, it is said, find ways to turn adversity into advantage.
This strange duality which seemed to come upon even the best politicians was not new to Alan, yet it constantly shocked him.
The best politicians also somehow find time to devise creative solutions to national problems.
The people sound in a lynching mood and perhaps the best greek politician is a dead dangling one.
In an election year, voters shake their heads and wonder whether these really are the best politicians the country can muster.
But, like it or not, that was what often made the best politicians.
As with the best politicians I have known, she seemed at once present and real, yet gave out little useful information.
And yet, the best politicians don't use the tricks every time.