Since roses are best displayed against dark textured plants traditionally chosen to highlight the flowers, Dr. Kassab has used dwarf Alberta spruce trees along the southeast side.
One is from 1908 and by Antoni Gaudí, whose vaulted peaks are best displayed in the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona.
They are best displayed in an aspect ratio of four to three, which means you must reduce the size of the viewable image considerably from the wide-screen format.
Such structures are best displayed graphically (even parliamentary draughtsmen have resorted to flowcharts for the definition of some more complex legislation).
Her virtues as a dancer and choreographer were best displayed in "Sweet," a premiere, in which she stepped calmly through sonic floods of music by Bach.
They are best displayed as hedges on large properties or painstakingly espaliered along walls , creating beautiful living winter sculptures.
If you collect plates or similar items, which are best displayed vertically, a grooved shelf installed at about picture rail height provides an answer.
Snell-Hitchcock is currently known for having a high level of community spirit and involvement, which are best displayed at the annual University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt.
No, the Clinton campaign's ferocious determination to dominate every news medium was probably best displayed by one Spanish word: "francamente."
These graphics are best displayed on a moderately fast or recently purchased computer although game options allow playing the game on older Pentium II systems.