Pick out a few terms and decide how they are best defined.
My father said that a person is best defined by the nature of his evil.
Lifetime executives like to say that their network can perhaps be best defined by what it does not have.
Scientifically, it is perhaps best defined as the bit we can't define otherwise in physical terms.
The contest was open to couples 18 years and older who were asked to choose the category they felt best defined their relationship.
Sometimes a politician's achievements are best defined by the enemies he makes in his own camp.
Coherence can be best defined as the degree to which a story makes sense structurally.
It is best defined (legally) in the 1998 Education Act.
These processes are best defined by the Industrial Designers and/or other team members.
Haugen's legacy is likely best defined by the Chavez fight, but not for his performance in the ring.