He also invented the idea for one of Punch's best cartoons, "Dropping the Pilot".
As an aside - this round up of the best political cartoons from Steve Bell is good.
The best cartoons reflect the population's overdose of congresses and plans.
A portfolio compiles the century's best cartoons and quotes.
Tandberg's credits include ten Walkley Awards for the best cartoon.
Addams's best cartoons rely on a smart, understated brand of humor.
The best Japanese cartoons, on the other hand, are about coming of age, with all the traditional narrative arc and character development that implies.
Unrestrained energy is hardly a bad thing for animation, but the best cartoons never seem so desperate for laughs (Mitchell).
The best cartoons make a satirical point by accident.
Eventually fired, he entered an Edison Company contest for the best cartoon on the use of electric light.