Sir," continued Villefort, "there is something to fear besides death, old age, and madness.
Sleep is the only escape, besides death, and that would be even better, if she had enough strength to make the arrangements.
Standing outside the castle, Ariel looks at the full moon, wondering if anything besides death and damnation lie in his future.
She looked up at the image, and then, as if to herself, said, "Just once, I'd like to think about something besides death."
"Besides death and disaster, nothing brings us to God like caring for children."
There are other things to fear besides death, Anita.
So Margo suddenly found herself out in the sunshine, realizing that the world had something to offer besides death.
"A man may fear many things besides death," Samuval argued.
My world is not that bad; there is much besides death and pain in it.
Let me see if there is anything in your mind besides fear and death and desire.