In comparison to traditional plastic targets, beryllium targets offer higher overall implosion efficiencies for the indirect-drive mode where the incoming energy is in the form of x-rays.
In comparison to traditional plastic targets, beryllium targets offer higher density, high transparency to x-rays, and high thermal conductivity.
To split the first uranium nucleus by bombarding it with neutrons from the beryllium target took more power than the death of the atom gave up.
Most fast neutron therapy beams are produced from proton beams impinging upon beryllium targets.
The Radiation Oncology Department operates a proton cyclotron that produces fast neutrons from directing 50.5MeV protons onto a beryllium target.
The gantry system contains magnets for deflecting and focusing the proton beam onto the beryllium target.
He devised a simple apparatus that consisted of a cylinder containing a polonium source and beryllium target.
This fired deuterium atoms at a beryllium target.
In order that the breeder pile continue to operate it was imperative that each atom split by a neutron from the beryllium target should cause the splitting of many more.
For example, the probability that an alpha particle striking a beryllium target will produce a neutron can be expressed as the equivalent cross section of beryllium for this type of reaction.