This poor benighted soul thinks we're going to carry out his order.
The book has something to offer almost everyone apart from those benighted souls who simply don't care who killed Roger Ackroyd.
No, these aren't benighted little souls who don't know their pitches from their paintbrushes.
And these benighted souls were taken through Scottish Airports, it's a warcrime and should be prosecuted as such.
He delivered himself of this with irritating smugness; to his benighted soul it may have commended itself as a witticism.
And now with this poor benighted soul who was, for good or ill, the keeper of his sanity.
"I wish they would just go away," muttered one benighted soul.
Go toot your horn and let the poor benighted soul toot his.
He was only trying to be cordial, the poor benighted soul.
It was too late to save Ziggy, but with God's good grace he might just save another benighted soul.