She had a mo-mentary glimpse of a large bland face with benevolent eyes.
There, he established training camps for his organisation under Mussolini's benevolent eye.
With a less benevolent eye, she stared at an unfamiliar face and added, "and a few resolutionists - this is their only time in here all year."
The great curse was Jupiter, king of the fishes, that he might flash a benevolent eye.
The secretary regarded him with benevolent eyes.
Two kings, elected with a lot of envy from the local nobility every few years, rule the population under the benevolent eye of the French.
Thus reassured, they dived in with a will and cleaned their plates under the benevolent and multiple eyes of their host.
The Librarian was leaning against the doorway, watching his charges with a benevolent eye.
Coincidentally enough, they found themselves in their old places, beneath the benevolent eye of Saint Hypatia.
Groghe asked, regarding Lessa with a benevolent eye.