The original "Cocoon," a gentle science-fiction fantasy, featured benevolent aliens who accidentally transform a swimming pool into a fountain of youth for retirees.
There were no helpful messages on it like, "Made In Japan" or "Created by benevolent aliens with a sense of humor."
"Cocoon II: The Return" is said to be better than the 1985 fantasy about benevolent aliens that sold $83 million worth of tickets.
The song tells of a benevolent alien who arrives on Earth in order to save the planet from destruction, a situation which greatly parallels Mikaal's backstory.
To the Bajorans, the wormhole near their planet was the Celestial Temple, where benevolent aliens called the Prophets existed.
The Kirithons were once a backward and savage species, until benevolent aliens known as the Panjistri arrived.
Another character in the novel is a benevolent alien.
The encounter with the benevolent aliens improves the colonists' situation dramatically.
The Greys also appear as the (benevolent) aliens in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
This is very similar to some "contactees" of the 1950s who claimed regular communication with benevolent aliens.