Musical life in this country has benefited immeasurably from his presence among us, and will continue to do so.
Jake Heggie, the San Francisco-based composer best known for his art songs, has benefited immeasurably from the devotion he has attracted from important singers.
Her many artistic and administrative accomplishments set a standard of excellence that has immeasurably benefited the cause of opera in our country and, indeed, the world.
For months, Mr. Bush has benefited immeasurably from divisions among his opponents.
They also said he had benefited immeasurably from a good economy.
Society has benefited immeasurably from the fruits of the human space program.
He says, "The Internet has flourished and society has benefited immeasurably because it has remained relatively free of taxation.
In his seven years away from home and from conventional schooling, he had benefited immeasurably from his father's interest and encouragement.
For over 20 years, Sotheby's has benefited immeasurably from his great wisdom, insights, knowledge, experience, support and appreciation of our people.
For more than half a century, the Society has benefited immeasurably from the selfless devotion and multi-faceted talents of the Coleman family.