In other words, classes did not have to be reduced to 15 or 20 students before the behavioral benefits started to kick in.
They also reason that once new benefits start to flow, it will be very difficult to cut them.
The benefit, covering about 75 percent of prescription drug costs up to $2,250 a year, would start in 2006.
That way, you can be sure that your benefits will start on time.
Certainly it is good news that the benefits of a vigorous economy have started to trickle down toward young black men in the inner cities.
Full pension and medical benefits, starting as soon as he arrived.
It was the question of when those benefits should have started.
Under the new proposal, benefits would start a year earlier, in 2002.
These benefits start after five full calendar months of disability, regardless of his or her age.
But benefits from a new nationwide distribution deal should start to come through next year.