In other activities, Miranda participated in a charity event benefiting St. Jude's Hospital for Children.
The tournament, which was held in August 1969 and organized by Indian Ridge head club pro Ross Coon, benefited the Children's Hospital of Boston.
The action, to benefit Schneider Children's Hospital, runs through next Sunday (516) 753-4357.
Charity auction to benefit St. Jude's Hospital and Goodwill Industries.
The young philanthropist composes and produces an annual benefit concert with The Symphony Guild to benefit Seattle Children's Hospital.
In 1922, he returned to Boston to play in a veterans baseball game to benefit Boston Children's Hospital.
The Classic, to benefit Schneider Children's Hospital, runs through next Sunday (674-GOLF).
A field of 78 professionals, including the defending champion, Gary Player, compete through next Sunday to benefit the Schneider Children's Hospital (tickets: $10 through $40; 674-4653).
Tickets to the game, which is sponsored by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper, cost $8, and the proceeds benefit Children's Hospital in Washington.
The other half will benefit St. Vincent's Hospital in Harrison.