Reservists receive military training - worth an average of £8,327 a year - that can benefit civilian employers.
Find out how Reservist trade courses can benefit employers on the SaBRE website - Opens in a new window.
In fact, of course, this essentially non-capitalist approach to work benefited employers rather than workers.
A number of unions argue that losing the holiday would primarily benefit employers and could be the beginning of a weakening of the 35-hour workweek.
This unique centre offers specialist facilities which benefit students, employers and clients alike.
The absence of a union would make the N.B.A. vulnerable to antitrust suits: there are times when collective bargaining can benefit employers as well as employees.
The league's executive director, Shirley Melnicoe, said hiring former convicts benefited both employers and employees.
She saw Nannygate as a follow-on to the long-running "servant problem", and illustrated how labor and immigration laws were still structured so as to benefit employers rather than employees.
We must indeed implement measures to benefit both employers and employees - or transpose such measures, as the case may be.
A more flexible labour market may benefit both employers and employees.