The court pointed out that Google made available to the public the new and highly beneficial function of "improving access to [pictorial] information on the Internet."
The name suggests a beneficial function of this ridge in protecting anchorages at Fortuna Bay from violent southwest and westerly winds.
Aluminium is one of the few abundant elements that appears to have no beneficial function to living cells (non-essential metal).
Lucas et al., however, refutes the assumption that fluid breast milk itself has no or minimal beneficial function on cognitive performance later in life.
No one knows what value some of these ordinary plants may have, and there could be a beneficial function to society in their future.
Some Romans kept live, harmless snakes as household pets, and credited them with similarly beneficial functions.
While in their activated state, microglia may serve a variety of beneficial functions.
A singleton (not duplicated) gene evolves towards two beneficial functions simultaneously.
As late as the mid 20th century many reputable authorities conceded it no beneficial function.