Yuckla, "the small and grotesque god of laughter", is deemed to exert a beneficent and somewhat protective influence.
There must have been one lucky star in the heavens at my birth, and I am just beginning to feel its beneficent influence.
They seem to assume that the Saddam problem will disappear and that the conquerors will fill the vacuum with beneficent influence.
Van Hise declared that he would "never be content until the beneficent influence of the university reaches every family in the state."
When developed sufficiently, the king's personal virtue spreads beneficent influence throughout the kingdom.
Under the beneficent influence of the port even the dreadful memory of wet Brussels sprouts was gradually effaced.
In other words, the wise man has permitted eye-openers to rain upon him their full, beneficent, and sacramental influence.
Under its beneficent influence, he felt the tension he had carried in neck and shoulders since entering the brothel gradually fade away.
Long ago the Sunbane had been unable to quench them: they had endured its depredations even without the beneficent influence of the original Staff.
And I was alive only because I had been brought into its beneficent influence.