Automotive alternators are usually belt driven at 2-3 times crankshaft speed.
Utilizing the latest technology, the belt driven Gen2 Elevator is by far the fastest, smoothest ride available.
In order to help improve fuel economy the new Corolla uses an electric power steering unit instead of a belt driven hydraulic pump.
The later 16-valve engines had a heavier cast-iron block engine, with an alloy head, and the camshafts were belt driven.
Benz's automobile was belt driven from an engine.
The pumps can be powered manually, by air or steam, or by a belt driven by an engine.
The power to the Mill was all belt driven through a pulley system.
A belt driven 7-piston pump, similar in size to a power steering pump, generates this pressure when the engine is running.
A dynamo was belt driven from the propeller shaft.
Alternators changed from belt driven to gear driven.