The streak came to an end in 2005, when injuries and below-average performances kept him from winning tournaments.
"In my view they were taking steps to improve what had been a below-average performance in the past few years."
He fit the other categories as well, suffering from a below-average performance and a couple of damaging injuries.
This reversal has come about because after years of below-average performances, black transit police officers did relatively well on the latest exam, which was given last February.
On this normalized scale, positive scores denote above-average performances relative to the statewide average, and negative scores denote below-average performance.
When earnings are growing strongly, as many expect them to do this year, the market has tended to have below-average performance.
They were marked by extensive injuries and below-average performances offensively and defensively.
But while strong performance brings in new assets, the study found that "top-selling funds deliver slightly below-average performance downstream."
Through much of that decade, it projected below-average performance for the stock market, thereby greatly underestimating equities' actual returns.
PC Advisor rated it 3.5/5, finding it offered below-average performance but above-average battery life.