By 2020, the number of registered nurses in the work force is projected to be 20 percent below anticipated requirements.
Lack of precision landing equipment on runways often causes delays in operations when weather falls below minimum requirements for ceiling and visibility.
Students must meet the qualifications described below plus additional requirements, dependent upon the grade level of the position and needs of the organization.
These will mostly go towards meeting demand on the railways, although some older carriages are due for retirement, and at peak times, capacity is below requirements.
Its accuracy however was below requirements, and the gömböc would often get stuck in an intermediate position rather than returning to the stable equilibrium.
Because recorded noise levels there fall below Federal requirements, only an optional curfew is in effect.
The presence of CO2 will lower the energy level of the gas below requirements for the pipeline.
Sleeping areas and sanitary facilities are one-half to one-third smaller than surface ships, well below requirements for the other Navy ships.
Three locations were found to have elevated levels within the village, which were still below provincial requirements.
Similarly, the chiefs of the armed services said, supplies of spare parts were "far below worldwide requirements."