Yet how could I leave her, my most beloved doll, the one Daddy gave me when I was only three?
I distracted her masterfully with an offer to play with Big Baby, her beloved, bonneted doll.
Every time he fell in love, he gifted his beloved doll, only to see it come back to him.
She never visited the countries where her beloved dolls were made.
No matter what he did, his focus was on his beloved doll.
She stared up at him in puzzlement and when she blinked, he suddenly drew her to him as though she were a beloved doll.
For a moment, he hugged it to him as if he were a child hugging a beloved doll.
This valid portrtayal would be even stronger if Mr. Cook intensified the toymaker's manic glee as he tried to bring his beloved doll to life.
She's clutching one of dad's cameras to her chest, the way other children clutch a beloved doll.
They make a special room for her, filled with all the things she loves best: her kittens, piano, father's books, Amy's sketches, and her beloved dolls.