Along the street where building is located can be found many homes that belong to members of the church.
The land belongs to engineers, teachers, and members of the armed forces.
The troops in Rwanda belong to members that may withdraw them at any time.
Such treasures most likely belonged to members of the emerging elites.
The former residence still belongs to members of the Skredsvig family.
They lived in an 18th-century castle that had belonged to members of his family for several generations.
Two teeth and a toe bone belonging to different members of the same population have since been reported.
Last week, 50 homes belonging to members of this community were demolished.
Rockefeller & Company is the money management arm, with over $3 billion in its care, more than two-thirds belonging to members of the family.
They must generally, too, though there are some exceptions to this, belong to resident members of the society.