Battle Camp and Cape Bedford belong amongst the best known massacres of Aboriginal people in Cook district, but they were certainly not the only ones.
For one thing, Sean looks Jewish although he is not; for another, they all understand each other well and there is a certain feeling of belonging amongst them.
They never fail to remind Sujata that she doesn't belong amongst Brahmins.
Hopefully, public pressure will bring prosecution and they will end up where they belong, amongst terrorists and war criminals.
His work belongs, therefore, amongst the greatest productions of ancient historical writing.
Malthus belonged amongst a group of high-quality intellectuals employed by the British East India Company.
Banal nationalism refers to the everyday representations of the nation which build an imagined sense of national solidarity and belonging amongst humans.
If the port package belongs anywhere, that is where it belongs, in amongst the port's waste; that is the right place for it.
Mr Gollnisch belongs amongst them.
The objective of the Association is to create sense of belonging amongst the Old Boys of the institution and help the fresh blood with their career.