Neither the Falkland Islands, the belligerent countries, nor their leaders are named in the text.
By the end of World War I, the work expanded to include camps in most of the belligerent countries.
The fact was curiously (and humorously) display during the late war, when great numbers of women in all the belligerent countries began putting on uniforms.
In times of war, belligerent countries can be contrasted with neutral countries and non-belligerents.
As for Iran not being a belligerent country, well, you're just ignorant on this point.
In the other belligerent countries, fewer women worked in munitions, but they played a significant part in the total war effort.
A limited amount of cricket was played in other belligerent countries.
The proven skill and care of the Romanian doctors, have been particularly appreciated by the governments of both belligerent countries.
Uniforms came from all the belligerent countries.
Overall this represents a very low mortality rate (ca. 0.08% of population) when compared to other occupied countries and most belligerent countries.