The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement.
Still, they both convey vividly the atmosphere of combined extreme belligerent action and inhospitable nature, pushing protagonists to the edge of endurance and beyond.
I was on my way home from dinner at a friend's house and witnessed what I consider extreme and belligerent actions by the police.
"It appears that support for this resolution emerged in order to curry favor and appease a volatile Arab bloc and sustain a coaltion against the belligerent actions of Iraq."
While the Convention ordinarily guarantees protection of medical personnel, that protection is forfeit if it is used as cover for any belligerent action.
During the Thirty Years' War, the Swiss Confederacy had been spared from all belligerent action.
Rangell's cabinet's belligerent actions in the Continuation War enjoyed the support of the Parliament.
His messages chided people to act by the highest Ander cultural ideals, and not to take understandably belligerent action against masons for their past despicable practices of being a party to children starving.
Should one of them become "the object of belligerent action" by a third power, the other party would "in no manner lend its support to this Third Power."
The belligerent actions of Japan in China, and then Germany in Europe, began to overtake the economy as the predominant concern of Australian politics.