I've believed in the Church of the Survivor since the day of Kelsier's own death, my lord.
The ujigami is thought to have been believed in only since the eighth century.
The 5400/6400 is generally believed to be superior to its 5200/6200 predecessors, since the issues that plagued those models had been resolved by then.
Today, Mr. Melvin was telling us how people have always believed in monsters, since very early times.
What destroyed the world's most famous luxury liner was not a 300-foot gash, as had been generally believed since 1912.
It is not believed to be the magnet that draws them here, since most come to join their children or other relatives who moved here first.
This "fact" has come to be widely believed in the United States since 1945, and egg-balancing events are sometimes held on that date.
This has been believed since the second century.
"And yet humans have believed in gods and an afterlife since the day you gained sentience."
Kraft had believed itself unwanted ever since 1991, when the players association began circulating a plan promoting a self-generated, self-sponsored tour.