And neither Ms. Goldberg nor Mr. Dutton seems to believe unconditionally in the characters.
He may not be able to believe unconditionally in anything, but he certainly wants to.
Yet even Ms. Goldberg, in a low-key shrug of a performance, and more bizarrely, Mr. Dutton seldom seem to believe unconditionally in their material.
Percy is rumored to have built his entire operation around Amanda's methods and relies on her to get inside people's heads, both during torture and to break them down to believe in Division unconditionally.
He doesn't believe in them unconditionally, though, and the slivers of self-doubt make the performance quite funny.
However, one should not believe unconditionally in this.
What makes Paul more than a political effigy is Mr. Brenton's acknowledgment of the heroism in the will to believe unconditionally, even in the face of contradictory evidence.
She believed unconditionally in what was good.
And while custom hardware/software is better for this (no thumbdrive slot, no autorun in the OS), the virtues of using commercial off-the-shelf have been touted for so long that people believe unconditionally.