"The sign-language watch is about MTV believing in different ways of communicating," Ms. Kosstrin said.
I don't believe in contrived ways of determining champions, but what about a limitation on how much a club can spend on players as a starting point for levelling the playing field ?
Nevertheless, we support a pluralistic culture, wherein people are free to believe in very different ways.
There is real reason to believe that if left untended, the Kosovo problem will suck in Albanians from four surrounding regions - Macedonia, Montenegro, northern Greece and Albania - in ways that will be highly destabilizing, lead to a large number of refugees, infect Greek-Turkish relations and sour intra-NATO relations.
Sreedharan believes that primary sources have the most direct connection to the past, and that they "speak for themselves" in ways that cannot be captured through the filter of secondary sources.
His father (Innocent) believes in old ways.
Hindus believe in different ways to preach attainment of God and religion as a philosophy and hence respect all religions as equal.
It entails the claim that even after we have given up the idea that religious beliefs can be grounded in anything beyond the human realm, religion can still be believed and practised in new ways.
But I believe that hypnosis and possession work in very, very similar ways.
TULF, however, believed in peaceful parliamentary ways towards achieving a solution.