The Ethiopian military struck a truce with insurgents on Sunday, though, and the past three days have been quiet, giving beleaguered residents a chance to bury their dead.
The proposals have spurred frantic rescue efforts and warnings that the beleaguered residents could become fierce opponents of the Clinton Administration less than two years away from a Presidential election.
United Nations officials contacted the main leader of the rebels holding the looted town, who had invited them to bring aid, and took in a modest amount of food, medicine and blankets for the beleaguered residents by truck, officials said.
This quality - a stirring of beleaguered residents not to go gentle into the Gotham night - first attracted Ms. O'Keefe to Mr. Giuliani's candidacy.
If only the beleaguered residents knew that the infestation was over, they could venture outdoors again to enjoy their spectacular views of the Bristol Hills.
In retirement he chose to champion the plight of the beleaguered residents of the settlement.
So do beleaguered residents; weekends, they have taken to turning on their sprinklers, as much to show their contempt for the tourists as to water their grass.
It was the first time in weeks that Kisangani's beleaguered residents could walk the streets freely.
Ten years ago today, this city was under siege, its beleaguered residents hoping desperately for the resumption of an international airlift to see them through the bleak Balkan winter.